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Zaf qazi2/08/2024
Nimonik is a great platform to learn all your regulatory needs.
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David Richardson2/08/2024
I am new to Nimonik. I have only been using for a few weeks. In that time our contact within Nimonik has made himself available whenever needed to answer our questions. I find the platform extremely user friendly. It has made my preparation for our upcoming audit extremely easy and stress free. Many thanks to you Ramzy.
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Jacqueline MacKnight2/08/2024
The Nimonik Compliance application is a great tool and one stop shop to assist businesses and organizations achieve proactive comprehensive compliance. They provide an agile software and focus on continuous releases, technology enhancements and improvements. Their customer service team is excellent and always available to assist and go the extra mile. Nimonik has a strong focus on customer feedback and end-user experience. I would recommend this software to companies that want to become proactive in managing their compliance obligations. I am looking forward to learning more about their new integration of Document Centre as industry standards are valuable to my organization.
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Michael Taniguchi2/08/2024
Nimonik has ben a valuable resource for providing key updates through the Canadian Environmental Regulation and Compliance News. Having a single source of information that can be relied upon for our organization to stay up to date on any new regulations or key news stories has been a very useful tool. The interface with Nimonik has been very easy and straightforward. I know that I will receive my newsletter consistently on a monthly basis and any customer service interactions that I have had with Nimonik have been great. I would highly recommend Nimonik to anyone looking to stay up to date on any key environmental regulatory and compliance news.
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Jennifer Lackey2/08/2024
Ramzy was excellent! Was patient and waited, even when I was a bit late to sign in, showed me all I needed to know, when I had questions, answered them all and then waited for me to repeat myself what he showed me so I could modify or complete in the future, when the pdf copies of CERCN do not accompany the NIMONIK email. He mentioned some other platforms that might be of interest to me and took the time to comment on cost and show me how NIMONIK has an EMS system for Legal & Other register under ISO14001, what it looks like (still Excel or spreadsheet based) and how updates would be triggered to be reviewed, signed off on OR show as pending still. Ramzy was probably the most knowledgeable, pleasant, helpful and all around best tech call for assistance I have ever had. Jen
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John Lay2/08/2024
As a Professional in the pipeline Regulatory field, Nimonik has been instrumental in creating and monitoring our Compliance Registry. They have been there in an instant anytime help was needed or a learning session was required. Top Notch.
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Russell Koehler2/08/2024
I use Nimonik at work and find it to be a great tool to track our regulatory commitments and related action items.
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Emilie Champagne12/08/2023
Une belle entreprise à l’intersection du droit, des normes industrielles et de la conformité. Ils couvrent la conformité environnementale, qualité, santé/sécurité au travail, cybersécurité/vie privée et d’autre sujets. Si vous avez besoin d’un outil d’audit, de veille réglementaire, registres ISO ou accès aux normes industrielles (CSA, BNQ, ASTM, ANSI..) - je recommande sans hésiter!
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Paul MacLean12/08/2023
I have had the great pleasure of seeing Nimonik grow over the past 15 years and come to offer a robust compliance tool for EHS professionals in Canada and around the world. We believed the need was great then and see that it is even greater now.
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Maurice “Moe” Moreau11/08/2023
"I have worked with Nimonik for many years. They have provided excellent customer support and a great and easy to use tool to help us manage our legal registers and environmental compliance programs. They also support our health and safety teams. This helps us stay in conformance with ISO 14001 and 45001 and maintain our certification - thanks!"
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Valerie Lambert5/08/2023
Great team, engaging workplace with a dynamic environment.
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Sonja Zours2/08/2024
We are still in the early stages of testing things out and getting properly set up, but so far our company’s experience with Nimonik has been very positive overall. Customer service has been excellent. Our representative reaches out regularly to notify our team of updates and to see if we need any support. When we do have questions, the Nimonik team is very responsive and helpful. We are using the system a little atypically as we are a consultant and leveraging the system for our own internal document needs as well as to support our client-based projects so it doesn't work perfectly for us out-of-the-box. This has necessitated some creative uses of functionalities but so far it looks like we will be able to customize compliance obligation registers and audits to suit our needs quite well. The system is continuously being improved and Nimonik takes customer feedback to heart, which is also great to see.
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Découvrez comment Nimonik peut révolutionner votre gestion de la conformité et vos audits. Demandez une démo gratuite dès aujourd’hui et laissez nos experts vous guider à travers les fonctionnalités innovantes de notre plateforme. Optimisez votre efficacité et assurez-vous de respecter les régulations les plus strictes.