Single sign on allows companies to use their active directories to manage access to Nimonik. As a result, if your company has single sign on enabled, you will not be able to sign into your account through the sign in page. Instead, you should sign in by following the steps below.
On the Web
- Enter the SSO URL provided by your account administrator in the address bar of your browser
- Use your company portal to sign in on the resulting page
On Mobile
- Click “Sign in Using Other Credentials”. This step will not be necessary if you have just installed the app
- Enter your company subdomain in the appropriate field. This should be provided to you by your account administrator
- This will cause your company login portal to appear in a popup. Use it to log into the app.
API Authentication
If you would like to use the API to extract data from Nimonik we recommend creating a dedicated admin user that is not linked to your active directory. This will allow you to easily authenticate using the email and password of the dedicated user. For more information on API integration, please feel free to contact us any time at