How Compliance Obligations are Ordered

The order in which documents appear in your Compliance Obligations is determined as follows:

1. Category

Categories group documents together to provide the highest level of organization in your CO. They will appear alphabetically, from A to Z. 

You can change documents categories either in bulk, by performing a bulk edit, or (Coming soon) individually, by clicking on the current category title and entering the new category title in the resulting Modal.

Pro-tip: Creating numbered category names (ex: “1. Environmental Obligations”) will allow you to have more control over their locations in your compliance obligations.

2. Sub-Category

Sub-categories allow you to group documents within your categories. Within each category, documents without a sub category will appear first, and documents with a sub category will appear alphabetically according to their sub-category (ex: documents in the “Air” sub category will appear before documents in the “Water” sub category. 

Just like category, you can edit documents sub-categories either in bulk, by performing a bulk edit, or (coming soon) individually, by clicking on the current category title and entering the new category title in the resulting modal.

3. Document Sort Order

Within sub-categories, documents are sorted according to the sort order that is selected on the CO edit page. There are two options:

  • Original – If this order is selected, documents will appear in the same order as they do on the library page
  • Alphabetical – If this order is selected, documents will appear alphabetically according to their titles.