NFPA, the National Fire Protection Association, has just released the new 2013 Edition for NFPA 75, “Standard for the Fire Protection of Information Technology Equipment,” and it’s available now from Document Center Inc. This standard covers the requirements for the protection of information technology equipment and information technology equipment areas.
The purpose of NFPA 75 is to protect information technology equipment and IT areas from damage by fire or its associated effects, such as smoke, corrosion, heat and water. It is expected that the user will perform a documented risk assessment prior to implementation of the standard.
For the 2013 Edition, the title of the standard was changed to better reflect the scope of the document and to be clear that the standard is strictly for fire protection. The NFPA 75 – 2013 features a new section on the emerging use of aisle containment systems, including information on how these systems much be assessed for their interaction with fire protection features.
Also, a number of definitions were extracted from the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) to clarify previously undefined words in the standard. Changes are highlighted by the use of lines in the margin.
NFPA standards are available from Document Center Inc. at our website, Or contact us by phone (650-591-7600), fax (650-591-7617) or email ( Our expert staff is available to assist you with any questions or requirements you may have.