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MIL-STD-202 H – Major Changes!

Nimonik Team


MIL-STD-202, “Test Method Standard for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts,” has just been updated.  The new Revision H reflects an entirely new format for the standard.  It’s a complete departure from the previous revisions and will have an impact on those of you who rely on the document.  All test methods are now published separately, as MIL-STD-202-xxx documents, where the xxx is the test method number.  An example would be MIL-STD-202-107.  All of these new releases may be purchased from Document Center Inc. now.

When was the MIL-STD-202 last revised?  The last update for MIL-STD-202 was Revision G with Change Notices 1 and 2 on 6/28/2013.  The Revision G itself was issued in 2002.  If you’d like to see the complete revision history for this standard, here is a link to our Document History page for the MIL-STD-202.

Why has the MIL-STD-202 Revision H been changed?  Of course, there is no official explanation in the document itself, however, one can make guesses about the update.  First, this allows for the test methods to be modified individually without have to update the entire standard.  So changes to each test method will be easier and faster for the document authors/caretakers.  And it will save a great deal of paper, etc., to have changes affect only the appropriate test method, not the entire document.

How will the test methods be numbered as they are revised?  The basic schema of the test methods (101 to 199 for environmental tests, 201 to 299 for physical characteristics tests, and 301 to 399 for electrical characteristics tests) remains the same.  The numbering is changing as noted in my first paragraph.  But following the revision level will be far easier now.  The usual convention of using letters (Revision A, Revision B, and so on) will now apply to the test methods.  This is a more familiar scheme than before.

How about test methods that have been canceled?  The MIL-STD-202 H now contains supersession information in Clause 6.  Look to the new section 6.3, “Canceled methods,” for information on those methods (or parts of methods) that are withdrawn, plus information on what method to use instead.  Tables are included when there are various types that need to be linked from the old method to the new.  For example, when obsolete test method 216, test condition A, is called out, you’ll now use test method 210, test condition C.

What does this new format mean for the users of MIL-STD-202?  The MIL-STD-202 H and it’s new separate test methods will be as easy to use as ever.  However, there will be one new issue — How to keep track of the revision level for each of the individual test methods.  This has always been a challenge.  Now you’ll need to make sure that you can monitor lots of documents instead of just 1.

At Document Center Inc., a benefit of purchasing standards from us is that each sale comes with our free updating service.  So you’ll be notified whenever one of the standards you’ve purchased from us changes.  In fact, our service is so popular, we provide many customers with extensive notifying and reporting services as stand-alone products.  If you’re concerned that you’ll miss an update to your standards collection, you’ll want to make the change and use Document Center Inc. as your source for standards.  Order online at our webstore, www.document-center.com.  Here’s a link directly to the MIL-STD-202 order page.  And make us your Standards Experts!