MIL-STD-882 Revision E, “System Safety,” has just been released and is now available from Document Center Inc. This system safety standard practice is a key element of Systems Engineering (SE) that provides a standard, generic method for the identification, classification, and mitigation of hazards. It is a keystone to protecting U.S. military personnel from accidental death, injury, or occupational illness and safeguarding defense systems, infrastructure, and property from accidental destruction, or damage while executing the requirements of our national defense.
This 104-page revision incorporates changes to meet Government and industry requests to reinstate task descriptions. These tasks may be specified in contract documents. When this Standard is required in a solicitation or contract, but no specific task is identified, only Sections 3 and 4 are mandatory.
The definitions in 3.2 and all of Section 4 delineate the minimum mandatory definitions and requirements for an acceptable system safety effort for any DoD system. This revision aligns the standard practice with current DoD policy, supports DoD strategic plans and goals, and adjusts the organizational arrangement of information to clarify the basic elements of the system safety process, clarify terminology, and define task descriptions to improve hazard management practices.
MIL-STD-882E strengthens integration of other functional disciplines into SE to ultimately improve consistency of hazard management practices across programs.
Specific changes include:
a. Reintroduced task descriptions:
(1) 100-series tasks – Management.
(2) 200-series tasks – Analysis.
(3) 300-series tasks – Evaluation.
(4) 400-series tasks – Verification.
b. Emphasized the identification of applicable technical requirements.
c. Included additional tasks:
(1) Hazardous Materials Management Plan.
(2) Functional Hazard Analysis.
(3) Systems-of-Systems Hazard Analysis.
(4) Environmental Hazard Analysis.
d. Applied increased dollar values for losses in severity descriptions.
e. Added “Eliminated” level for probability.
f. Added software system safety techniques and practices.
g. Updated appendices.
This new Military Standard and all publicly distributed DoD documents (non-classified) are available from Document Center Inc. at our website, Or you can contact us by phone (650-591-7600), fax (650-591-7617) or email ( We not only provide copies of standards in both paper and pdf format, but also provide monitoring and document collection auditing services. We’ve been providing specifications and standards for 30 years from our Silicon Valley location and are proud of our history of support to government contractors.