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AMS-C-26074 and MIL-C-26074 – An explanation of the revision path

Nimonik Team


When AMS-C-26074 (titled Coatings, Electroless Nickel, Requirements for) was released to replace MIL-C-26074 and then subsequently was canceled and then inactivated, it caused a great deal of confusion among users of the document.  In order to help you understand the current situation, here’s the revision path for the documents and information on what’s current now.

The last issue of MIL-C-26074 was Revision E, from 10/1990.  In 1994 as part of mil spec reform, the document was cancelled by Cancellation Notice 1 and was replaced by AMS-2404 and AMS-2405.  However, the two documents did not adequately replace the mil spec and a second cancellation notice was issued in 8/1995.  This time MIL-C-26074E was replaced by ASTM-B607ASTM-B656AMS-2404AMS-2405 and AMS-2433.

This still did not completely satisfy the requirements of the original mil spec, so in 2/1998 the document was reinstated.

Now one feature of mil spec reform is that a number of cancelled military specs and standards ended up being reprinted in their entirety by various industry associations.  In this case, MIL-C-26074E was adopted and reprinted by SAE as AMS-C-26074, 1998 Edition in 8/1998.  Unfortunately, the MIL-C-26074 was not cancelled at that point in time.

With two concurrent and identical specifications in force at the same time, confusion ran rampant. On 2/4/2003, an administrative notice was issued referring to a classified MIL-DTL-26074 Revision F.  The 2/5/2003, this MIL-DTL-26074F was cancelled.  On the same day, the MIL-C-26074E was cancelled as well.   The Revision E was replaced by the AMS-C-26074, except for Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program applications which were directed to use MIL-DTL-32119 (a classified document not available to the general public).  The Revision F was just replaced by the MIL-DTL-32119.

Still SAE felt that the 26074 specification duplicated pre-existing standards and wanted to withdraw the document in favor of those older (and well-used) documents.  So a Cancellation Revision A was released for the AMS-C-26074 in 2/2005.  The document was replaced by AMS-2404 and AMS-2433.  However, again there was resistance to this move.  So in October 2005, the document was reinstated in the current Inactive Revision B and thus it remains to this day.

FYI, an Inactive Revision is a status of being current (OK to use), but only for replacement purposes.  The 2 replacement documents (AMS-2404 and AMS-2433) should be used for all new design.

Should you need copies of any of the standards mentioned, or have any further questions, please get in touch.  You can order through our website at www.document-center.com, or contact us by phone (650-591-7600), fax (650-591-7617) or email (info@document-center.com).